If your dental crown breaks, take these 5 immediate steps to address the issue.
San Antonio, TX

handling a broken dental crown crucial steps to take
By Life Smiles Dental Studio

If you find yourself here, your dental crowns have likely unexpectedly encountered a hiccup. No need to fret, as we’ve got you covered! What are the next steps to regain that radiant smile? In this post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about a broken crown and the available options to restore your teeth. Let’s delve into the realm of dental crowns together!

Understanding Dental Crowns:

Need to familiarize yourself with dental crowns? They’re dental restorations that cap or encircle a tooth or dental implant, often necessary when a large cavity jeopardizes tooth health or to restore broken or severely worn-down teeth. Crowns can also sit atop dental implants as a natural-looking replacement for missing teeth.

While porcelain and ceramic are popular crown materials for resembling natural teeth, gold, metal, or resin are alternatives. Each material has its advantages, and with proper care, it ensures longevity.

Crowns are typically cemented onto existing teeth or implants using special adhesives. Regular dental care, including brushing, flossing, and routine checkups, is essential for maintaining crowned teeth, ensuring they last for years.

5 Essential Tips for a Broken Dental Crown

Here are five crucial steps to take if your dental crown breaks:

Step 1: Contact Your Dentist Immediately

Reach out to your dentist promptly to address the pain, potential damage to the underlying tooth, and the risk of infection. Your nearest dentist will assess the damage and recommend suitable treatment, whether it’s reattaching the crown or replacing it.

Step 2: Stop Using the Tooth with the Broken Crown

Cease using the affected tooth to prevent further damage. Avoid putting pressure on it, chewing, or consuming hard or sticky foods. Over-the-counter pain medication can help manage discomfort.

Step 3: Reduce Swelling and Discomfort

Apply a cold compress, take pain relievers, opt for softer foods, and gently floss around the broken tooth to alleviate swelling and discomfort until you see a dental professional.

Step 4: Protect the Tooth from Further Damage

Take precautions to protect the broken tooth, such as avoiding chewing on that side, cleaning the loose crown, and using temporary measures like dental wax or adhesive. Refrain from hard or sticky foods until the crown is repaired or replaced.

Step 5: Consider Replacing the Broken Crown

If the crown is still in place, see a dentist promptly for potential reattachment. If the crown is lost, bring any broken pieces if available. The dentist can create a new crown matching your natural tooth color based on an impression.


Dental mishaps happen, but there’s no need to panic when your crown breaks. By following the outlined steps, you can efficiently address the issue and restore your smile. Emergencies aside, remember that with care and patience, a broken dental crown doesn’t have to be a disaster. For personalized assistance, refer to visiting our dental office in San Antonio. Your radiant smile awaits restoration!


What steps should I take if my dental crown falls out unexpectedly?

In the event of a dislodged dental crown, locate the crown and bring it to your dentist. If the crown is not found, your dentist can create a replacement.

How can I safeguard my dental crown to prevent it from falling out?

Ensure the longevity of your dental crown by avoiding the consumption of hard foods, ice, and refraining from biting nails or chewing on hard candies. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to maintain overall oral health.

What are the signs indicating a broken dental crown?

Symptoms of a broken dental crown encompass pain, heightened sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, and visible damage to the affected tooth. If you encounter any of these signs, promptly reach out to your dentist for immediate assistance.

Can a broken dental crown be repaired or does it require replacement?

Depending on the extent of the damage, your dentist will assess whether the broken dental crown can be repaired or if a replacement is necessary. Seeking professional advice promptly is crucial for the best course of action.

Are there additional measures to prevent dental crown issues?

Yes, beyond avoiding certain foods and habits, regular dental checkups and cleanings play a vital role in identifying potential issues early on. Consistent oral care, coupled with professional dental visits, contributes to the longevity and health of your dental crown.

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