dental crowns in san antonio

Restore The Integrity Of Your Teeth With Dental Crowns in San Antonio

Broken or damaged teeth are now easy to hide with customized crowns at Life Smiles Dental Studio San Antonio. A dental crown is a cap that covers the entire visible part of a tooth, protecting its remaining structure and restoring its original shape, size, and color. There are several reasons why a porcelain crown may be necessary. The most common reason is severe tooth decay, where a filling, inlay, or onlay is not enough to treat the cavity. In addition, a crown may be needed to fix a broken tooth or as the final step in a root canal or dental implant procedure. Visit our dentist for dental crowns in San Antonio that can restore the strength and appearance of your teeth.
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Understanding The Crown Placement

Dental crown installation is a common procedure to restore damaged or weakened teeth. The process involves multiple steps, starting with tooth preparation, where our dentist shapes the tooth to accommodate the crown. Impressions are taken to ensure a precise fit, and a temporary crown may be placed. The final step involves cementing the custom-made crown onto the prepared tooth. This restoration enhances both the tooth's strength and aesthetic appeal, offering long-lasting results. Regular check-ups are essential for monitoring the crown's condition.

Why Visit Our San Antonio Dental Office For Custom-Made Crowns?

At Life Smiles Dental Studio San Antonio, we specialize in creating custom-made porcelain crowns that fit your mouth perfectly. Our crowns are designed to match the color of your natural teeth. Moreover, our advanced technology allows us to offer dental crown options to accommodate your busy schedule.

We create a family-friendly atmosphere where patients can eliminate dental imperfections with tailored crown solutions. Our caps offer natural-looking results to hide imperfections like chipped or cracked teeth. Many patients rely on our dentist to create crowns that can conceal misshapen and discolored teeth.

Schedule Your Crown Consultation To Create A Flawless Smile

Looking for tooth-colored dental crowns in San Antonio, TX, that can blend with surrounding teeth seamlessly? Call (210) 796-8800 and book an appointment with our dentist to determine your candidacy for these caps. Dr. Hannah Sutherland is here to address all oral health concerns and recommend crowns that will restore smiles. Whether you need emergency dental care or durable solutions for teeth restorations, visit us.

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