Dentures and Partials in San Antonio - Life Smiles Dental Studio

What Are Dentures & Partials?

At Life Smiles Dental Studio San Antonio, we understand that missing teeth can impact your confidence and ability to chew comfortably. Dentures and partials offer a reliable and effective solution to restore your smile and oral function.

Dentures & partials are removable replacements for all your natural teeth in either your upper or lower jaw or both. They are typically made from acrylic resin and may have a metal framework for added stability.

Benefits of Dentures & Partials

  • Restored Smile: Dentures and partials fill the gaps left by missing teeth, giving you back a complete and natural-looking smile. This can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Improved Chewing Ability: Missing teeth make it difficult to chew food properly. Dentures and partials restore your chewing function, allowing you to enjoy a wider variety of foods and better digestion.
  • Clearer Speech: Missing teeth can sometimes slur your speech. Dentures and partials help improve speech clarity by providing support for your lips and cheeks.
  • Preserve Facial Structure: Missing teeth can cause facial sagging. Dentures and partials help maintain your facial structure by filling out the contours of your cheeks and lips.

Conditions That Dentures & Partials Can Fix

Missing teeth can impact your life in more ways than you might think. Beyond the aesthetic concern, missing teeth can affect your ability to chew properly and speak clearly and even contribute to facial sagging. Here are some of the conditions they can fix:

  • Missing teeth: This is the most obvious condition that dentures and partials can fix. They can restore the appearance of your smile and improve your ability to perform these essential functions.
  • Chewing problems: When you have missing teeth, it can be difficult to chew food properly. This can lead to digestive problems and malnutrition. Our dentures & partials in San Antonio, TX, can help you chew food more effectively, which can improve your overall health.
  • Speech problems: Missing teeth can also affect your speech. They can help you speak more clearly and improve your communication skills.

The Process Of Getting Dentures & Partials

Why Choose Us For Dentures & Partials?

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