nitrous oxide sedation in san antonio

The Solution To Your Dental Anxieties

Are you feeling anxious about dental work? You're not alone. Approximately 60% of Americans experience some level of anxiety when it comes to dental care. Luckily, dentistry has developed various solutions to address this fear, including nitrous oxide sedation. This treatment allows you to relax during your dental visit, ensuring you receive the necessary care for a healthy and attractive smile. Whether you need extensive dental work or simply feel uneasy in a dental office, nitrous oxide from a sedation dentist in San Antonio, TX may be the solution you need. Contact us today to learn more.
Safety Information

How Nitrous Oxide Works

The gas known as "laughing gas," or nitrous oxide, is used to create feelings of happiness and relaxation. It is given through a mask that goes over your nose, so it works quickly. Our dentists can control the amount of nitrous oxide they give you, so they can adjust it to make you as comfortable as possible during your procedure.

Contrary to what many people think, nitrous oxide doesn't make you fall asleep. Instead, it puts you in a very relaxed state where you might drift off occasionally, but we can easily wake you up if needed. You'll still be awake enough to follow our instructions throughout the procedure. You might feel a little lightheaded or have a tingling feeling in your arms and legs. Generally, you'll feel calm and relaxed. You might not be as aware of what's happening around you, and you might not remember the procedure afterwards.

Is Nitrous Oxide Right For Me?

If you have any of the following, you might be eligible for nitrous oxide sedation:
  • Fears or anxieties associated with dental care
  • Sensitivity in teeth or gums
  • Excessive gag reflex
  • Inability to remain still for long periods
  • Difficulties in keeping the jaw open
  • Discomfort in the neck or back
  • Requirement for multiple treatments in one session
Before receiving any type of sedation, it is crucial to inform your dentist in Richardson about your medical history. Pregnant patients, individuals with high blood pressure, or those with specific medical conditions should avoid nitrous oxide.

What You Can Expect After Your Procedure

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