Premium Quality Dental Implants In San Antonio, TX

dental implants in san antonio

Get A World-Class Smile With Dental Implants

Dental implants are intended to serve as a base for prosthetic teeth that resemble real teeth in terms of appearance, feel, and functionality. The person who has lost teeth regains the ability to eat any foods they want and can smile with confidence. Dental implants offer the capability required to operate as before the natural tooth was broken, and they can even assist in avoiding changes in the face structure.  Supplementing them with a dental crown can also ensure that the dental implement looks perfectly natural along with your other teeth. 

Dental implants are a standard cosmetic dental option offered at Life Smiles Dental Studio San Antonio. We can assist patients in avoiding such oral health problems with dental implants in San Antonio. We have the skills and tools necessary to provide patients with a customized dental implant to meet their specific needs.

Dental Implant Options

Single Tooth Replacement

With single-tooth replacement, the implant can be placed wherever there is a missing tooth to restore your smile to its natural state. One tooth implant can be placed to anchor a single missing tooth. 

Multiple Tooth Replacement

If you have several missing teeth, there are different options for dental implants. You can replace each tooth with a single implant, or you can have 2-3 implants with a bridge that spans between them for full arch replacement. The implant dentures and dental bridges used in these procedures are much more stable than traditional dentures.

Surgical Advances In Dental

Dr. Hannah Sutherland and the team are able to implement implants thanks to the most recent developments in dental implant technology. The implants do not require a second procedure to uncover them but do require a minimum of six weeks of healing time before artificial teeth are placed.  In certain cases, the implant can be inserted simultaneously with tooth extraction, therefore reducing the number of surgical procedures required.

A restorative dentist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon work together to insert dental implants.  Dr. Hannah Sutherland performs the implant surgery. We offer metal-free, quality dental implants in San Antonio for our patients as they are more biocompatible. We also have the most technologically advanced dental office in San Antonio.

5 Indications That You Should Get Dental Implants

It is good to know if you are eligible for a dental implant. These are five indications of a good candidate. 

  1. You take care of your teeth well.
  2. You have good dental and periodontal health.
  3. For the implants, the bone density in your jaw is good.
  4. You’re willing to stop smoking or are a non-smoker.
  5. You have patience for the dental implant process, as it can sometimes take a bit of time to complete fully.

The Process Of Installing Implants

You could be eligible for dental implants if you lose one or more teeth. These implants can permanently replace the lost teeth. To decide if the surgery is correct for you, we will check your jawbone and mouth. Before we begin the procedure, your jawbone needs to be strong, and your gums need to be healthy. If we identify any signs of gum disease or cavities, we will need to treat them before the dental implant procedure.

Once you are cleared for the procedure, the staff at Life Smiles Dental Studio San Antonio will take an impression of your mouth to create a new tooth in a dental lab. Each synthetic tooth will match the shape and size of the surrounding teeth, and they will have a perfect color match. This way, when we finish the process, your smile will seem perfectly normal. Since it is impossible to distinguish between synthetic teeth and those that are natural, many patients are happy with the outcome.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Many people who are lacking teeth may find that dental implants are a useful option. Dental implants allow new teeth to function, look, and feel naturally. Here are a few of the main advantages of dental implants:

Natural-looking: Implant-supported replacement teeth look like natural teeth. The dental implant's visible component is a cosmetic crown composed of composite material that matches the patient's tooth enamel in color. Differing between the two might be challenging.  Many patients enjoy the aesthetic appeal of dental implants, as others cannot tell the difference between natural and replacement teeth. 

Permanent: One of the longest-lasting solutions for replacing missing teeth is dental implants. Given proper care, they have a lifetime of use. Furthermore, fixed replacement teeth placed on implants do not require daily removal for cleaning. 

Functional: The stability of implants makes them effective for cleaning, talking, and eating. They function similarly to the teeth they are intended to replace. Less permanent options may interfere more with daily life. 

Comfortable: Dental implants are fixed securely in place and function as tooth roots. They are more comfortable than dentures and other tooth replacement solutions because of their sturdy basis. Implants feel a lot like real teeth, according to many patients.

Why Select Our Office For Dental Implants?

Dr. Hannah Sutherland has had extensive experience and training in performing both dental implant surgery and restoring dental implants. Every patient is different and unique, and the best treatment outcomes require a thorough understanding of each patient’s unique factors. At Life Smiles Dental Studio San Antonio, we use advanced dental technology to ensure your treatment is as efficient and comfortable as possible. The dental tools enable our team to plan your surgery precisely and determine where your implants should be placed for maximum stability and long-term success.  

If you are thinking about getting dental implants from Dr. Hannah Sutherland, don't be hesitant to make an appointment! Call our San Antonio implant dentist today! She has been serving the San Antonio community. We are here for you.

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